
Maternity_Lauren Thomas12澳门新葡新京 is a vibrant healthcare organization focused on providing exceptional healthcare to everyone it serves. It’s because of that commitment that we continue to expand our facilities and services and, with each year, 我们的团队在不断壮大. 我们希望你能成为公司发展的一部分. 我们在寻找有才能的人, 充满激情和奉献精神的人,渴望提供卓越的护理.

With us, you will have the opportunity to do meaningful work that has a positive impact on the community, in an organization large enough to allow for personal growth and career development. We place unparalleled value on our employees and provide a unique career experience. When you join us, you become part of our team; it is our goal to not only be the best place you will ever work, 但这是你唯一想工作的地方.



How We Hire

澳门新葡新京, 我们一直在寻找勤奋的人, enthusiastic individuals to our team who share in our mission of delivering exceptional and heartfelt care. If you meet the minimum qualification for a position, we encourage you to apply. 下面的过程没有与之相关的具体时间表, as some positions may move very quickly and others may take longer depending upon the business need.

  • Apply online. After you have submitted a completed application, you can log in and check your status. 我们可能会联系你参加电话面试.
  • 如果你被选中参加面试,我们会联系你安排一个时间. 无论是面对面还是视频聊天, 一对一或小组讨论, we want to get to know you beyond your resume and see how you fit with our culture and business goals.
  • If we extend an offer, we’ll discuss a starting salary and you’ll receive a verbal job offer. 如果你接受了,恭喜你!),我们会寄给你一份完整的报价.

Please note that we will conduct a thorough background investigation (including a criminal background check and verification of education) and a pre-employment drug screen and physical before you start.  Any offers extended are contingent upon successfully completing all of the above.


澳门新葡新京 President and CEO Jack Janoso describes what you can expect when working at FMC. 要了解更多信息,请访问fmhealth.org/careers

周三- 7月31日

请在7月31日上午9点加入我们.m. to 4 p.m. 下周三我们将在主校区进行预约. Meet our recruiters and start your career at an organization where you can truly make a difference in the lives of others. 在澳门新葡新京, 我们一直在寻找勤奋的人, enthusiastic individuals to our team who share in our mission of delivering exceptional and heartfelt care.


Residency Program

Our 医学研究生教育 Programs are designed to help you make a smooth transition into the hospital and specialty unit.



Our physicians and APP’s provide compassionate, personalized healthcare experiences to our community. 点击下面了解更多关于加入我们团队的信息.



澳门新葡新京 is fortunate to have the assistance of over 200 individuals who each year volunteer their time and talent to assist patients, visitors, and Center staff.

Our Culture

一个多世纪以来, 澳门新葡新京 has been a regional healthcare provider who delivers exceptional care 通过创造来帮助我们的病人 特殊的经历 for our employees.

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澳门新葡新京 provides opportunities for students to learn in our FMC environment.


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This program assists new nurses with the challenges of starting their nursing career by serving as a bridge between school and clinical practice.

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I would say FMC is different from anywhere I've worked because you really get to know your managers. I feel like my voice is heard and I love getting to work in MPCU where we are like a family! ”
- Ashley Boyer
澳门新葡新京's commitment to its employees and their success is incredible. 八年前,我作为一名抽血师在FMC开始了我的医疗事业, 我目前的工作是实验室助理. 我目前在学校成为一名医学实验室技术员.

Leadership, 和我的同事一起, have been diligent in helping me accomplish my goals and helping me succeed. 我热爱我的工作,我和很多很棒的人一起工作. I believe that FMC has strong values and continues to grow and make healthcare the best that it possibly can be for the patients, 它所服务的家庭和社区. 我喜欢成为这一增长的一部分,并期待着我在FMC的未来.”
- Morgan Dusenberry
我喜欢在FMC工作有很多原因! 这里的每个人都很接地气,很快就会叫你朋友. Opportunities are available to grow and management is so encouraging to advance in your career. This growing hospital wants to ensure the best for their employees and I’ve certainly felt that no matter the position I’ve been employed in.”
- Jessica Ruby
没有多少人说他们喜欢每天起床去上班, 但在澳门新葡新京工作,起床很容易. 我知道我的一天会很棒,因为和我一起工作的团队! 我在这里工作了17年,学到了很多东西. I love working in our SICU and SPCU and being a part of such a wonderful unit. 我们一起努力,让每个人都能过得最好. 我真的很喜欢我的职位,我的一些密友也是我的同龄人.

Everyone at FMC really goes above and beyond to show you that they care about you. Our CEO makes rounds bringing us snacks for appreciation and my manager always makes sure I am doing well. 这里的气氛很好,人们很友好,乐于助人. 费尔菲尔德医疗是一个很好的工作场所!”
- Tina Hines
我在兰开斯特长大, 所以当我大学毕业回来的时候, 加入FMC就像回家一样. A few years later, I relocated 45 miles away but never wanted to leave my “family” at FMC. 友好的,支持性的环境使每天的驾驶是值得的! 大家——志愿者, staff, providers, patients, 他们的家庭创造了我们的家庭氛围. I only need to walk a few feet down the hall to be reminded of why I love FMC; there are always plenty of warm smiles around. 这简直是最好的!”
- Janet Cooper
我喜欢在FMC工作,因为它的文化. 我做过的其他工作并没有给予我同样的尊重, 有发言权的选择, 或是FMC的团队精神. Even with my job being in the business office I still feel like I am making a difference in a patient’s life. 因为FMC提供了大量的机会, 我觉得你可以展开你的翅膀,成为你注定要成为的人. I get excited walking into work every day knowing that I get to see my work “family” and I get to do a job that I love, 在帮助别人的同时.”
- Jessica Scott

Members of the FMC family share what it means to be a part of the FMC Experience.


We believe providing healthcare on a higher level means delivering an extraordinary patient experience. 听听我们的病人是如何改变他们的生活的. 如果您想成为FMC体验的一部分,请立即与我们联系.

Our recruitment team is committed to matching job candidates with the right position based on their experience and career interests. 点击这里了解更多澳门新葡新京的招聘人员和我们即将到来的 Walk-in Wednesday hiring events.

Meet Our Recruiters











